Meinl Orchestra Ratchet - TMOR
Meinl Orchestra Ratchet - TMOR

Meinl Orchestra Ratchet - TMOR

Sale price$ 49.99

About Us

138 Industry Drive  |  Pittsburgh, PA 15275

Store Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday 8:30AM - 5:00PM 
Friday 10:30AM - 5:00PM
Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Sunday and Monday - Closed

Phone: 412.788.5900 

Fax: 412.788.6055

Department Directory

The Meinl Percussion Orchestra Ratchet can produce quick notes like a cabasa or long-sustaining sounds with a woody rattle effect that projects clearly.  Commonly found in orchestral settings, this instrument is great for producing controlled accents that last for virtually any note rate.  The metal hand crank is easy to grip as it spins the wooden paddles inside.  You can use the mount to secure the Orchestra Ratchet to a stand or simply hold in your hand while you play.