Looking to sell an Instrument or Accessory?
Consignment Sales
We want to help you sell your musical instruments and accessories by reaching the customer base that Volkwein's Music has taken over 135 years to establish!
Like with all used products, much of the value will depend upon the items' condition and functionality, as well as the current market for that product. While we do not purchase used musical instruments and accessories directly, we do offer a service that many customers choose to take advantage of.
We sell your used musical instruments and accessories on consignment. If you come in to our store, we will be happy to take a look at what you have, and help you determine a minimum selling price. We then seek out customers who may be interested, and sell the item for you! We do this primarily online using our eBay auction store. We have spent years developing a highly reputable eBay store which reaches customers all over the world. Sometimes online auctions end up selling items for even more than we anticipate, due to our expansive consumer base and established seller's account boasting a positive feedback rating of nearly 100%! We will also show your item to any interested customers in our store, and sometimes advertise it through a few other online outlets.
We charge 30% commission for sales of your musical instruments and accessories. Some folks initially think this fee is high, but what they don't realize is that even selling instruments on your own, you will end up paying 18%+ to third party services like "eBay" and "paypal" in listing and transactional fees. Not to mention that this fee is far less than most consignment shops. With us, it's as simple as dropping the item off, and receiving a check in the mail once it has sold. There's no photographing, listing, advertising, shipping hassles, etc... for you. We handle all of that! We will gather your information at the time that you drop the musical instrument or accessory off, and will simply mail you a check when your item sells, no hassle to you whatsoever! If you are interested in this service please feel free to stop by at anytime. Take your musical instruments and accessories to the sales counter and someone will be happy to get you started! Oh, and if for some reason we are unable to sell your musical instruments and accessories, you can come by and pick them up at anytime, and you will not be charged a dime... Guaranteed!
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